
Embrace Life Beyond Lupus

with Lupus Speaks

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Lupus may be a part of your story, but it doesn't define who you are.

Join us at Lupus Speaks, where we're rewriting the narrative of lupus, one empowering story at a time.

Explore how we're building a stronger, more vibrant community together.

Shedrica Holmes

Founder of Lupus Speaks

About Us

Our mission is to empower individuals living with lupus to embrace their journey, find joy in life's everyday moments, and unlock their potential through creative planning and unwavering faith.

My Story

In October 2008, I was diagnosed with lupus, a turning point that led me on a transformative journey. With over a decade of living with lupus, I bring a wealth of personal experience

to our journey together.

Creative planning became my lifeline, helping me find beauty in adversity and regain control. Join me as we explore my personal journey and the healing power of creativity in managing lupus, building a purposeful life.

Here at Lupus Speaks, you'll discover a wealth of resources tailored to enhance your life with lupus:

Nature's most precious resource

Self-Care Strategies:

Find Humour

Discover effective self-care practices tailored to manage lupus symptoms, boost your overall well-being, and guide you towards a healthier and happier life.

Embrace the healing power of laughter as part of your self-care journey with lupus.

Creative Planning:

Planner Tools

Unlock the transformative potential of creative planning, a powerful tool for regaining control and finding

beauty in adversity.

Access lupus-friendly planners and organizational tools designed to help you navigate life's challenges.

Podcast Episodes:

Inspiring Stories

Tune in to our engaging podcast, where we delve into various aspects of living with lupus, offering expert advice a

and personal stories.

Gain insights from real-life experiences, including my

personal journey and those

of fellow lupus warriors.

Community Support:

Hope and Purpose

Join our vibrant community

of lupus warriors

for encouragement, understanding, and

shared wisdom.

Discover how to build a life filled with purpose and hope, even in the face of lupus's unpredictability.

Additional Resources

New Recipes & Lifestyle Changes

Explore lifestyle changes and discover delicious, lupus-friendly recipes that can enhance your well-being and add flavor to your journey.

Healthy Habits Lifestyle
Business Analysis Auditing Research

Lupus Events & Organizations

Connect with lupus events and organizations in the community. Click to explore what's happening and engage with fellow lupus warriors.

Statistics & New Research

Stay informed with the latest lupus research and statistics to better understand the condition's developments and treatment options.

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